Bachelor in Islamic Studies

University of Tripoli - Department of Islamic Studies



The department seeks to prepare academically qualified educational cadres in the field of Islamic studies. In support of the educational process and scientific research, and to meet the needs of society in terms of teachers in the basic and intermediate education stages, as well as contributing to the development of the level of performance of graduates in the field of education and research in order to prepare a highly qualified teacher in the field of Sharia sciences and community service; In order to improve and excel.


  • Graduating cadres of scientifically, educationally and professionally qualified teachers in the field of Islamic studies to teach in the basic and intermediate education stages.
  • Developing and improving the academic program in the Department of Islamic Studies to raise the level of graduates.
  • Strengthening cooperation with counterpart institutions to exchange scientific and cultural experiences.
  • Students acquire the basic principles of scientific research in the field of Islamic Studies.
  • Contribute to the service and development of society by paying attention to contemporary community issues.


A teacher specializing in teaching Islamic education

Certificate Rewarded

Upon graduation, the student is granted a bachelor's degree in Islamic studies.

Entry Reuirements

  • Must have a high school or Sharia certificate, or their equivalent certificates recognized by the competent authorities.
  • Must have at least a good overall grade.
  • Pass the entrance exam or personal interview - as decided by the College Council.
  • To be medically able to continue studying in college.
  • If the applicant is a non-Libyan, he must be a regular resident in Libya for the duration of the study, pay the tuition fees and fees prescribed in accordance with what is applicable in Libyan universities, and be fluent in the Arabic language.
  • To submit the original documents upon admission to the study, including: (birth certificate, certificate of good conduct, certificate of absence of precedents, health certificate, national number).

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Islamic Studies prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Islamic Studies. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 134 units, which include 34 units of general subjects, and 92 major units, 8 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite

The course aims to introduce students to the nature of psychology, its history, branches, objectives, importance, schools, and curricula, as it aims to introduce students to the nature of motives, emotions, and higher mental processes, including sensation, attention, remembering, forgetting, intelligence, learning.


The course deals with the concept of education and its philosophy through a historical study of the development of various educational ideas and theories. It also deals with the concept of the philosophy of Islamic education, its philosophers and pioneers, as well as culture (its concept - characteristics - elements), socialization, and educational institutions.

IS209 Biography of the Prophet 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce students to the life of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and explain his lineage, birth, marriage and trade, and explain the stages of the call, and how the Messenger faced the machinations of Quraysh, and explain the reasons for the migration of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and the attempt to eliminate him, and the conversion of Hamza and Omar, and the statement of the general boycott And the last delegation of Quraysh to Abu Talib, and an explanation of the call to Islam outside Mecca, and a statement of the pledge of allegiance to the first and second Aqaba, and an explanation of the stages of the call and jihad in the civil era, and a detailed explanation of the Messenger’s invasions, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, the great Badr, Uhud, and the parties.


The course aims to know the basic concepts of the computer and clarify the basic applications and processes that help in office work and other fields, as well as linking the benefits provided by the computer in the scientific and practical lives of students

IS123 FIQH OF WORSHIP(1) 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce students to the concept of purity and its types, water sections, pure and unclean objects, etiquette of defecation, rulings of istinja and istijmar, qualities of instinct, rulings related to removing impurity, rulings on ablution, what is forbidden from the minor juvenile, rulings on wiping over socks, ghusl, what prevents the older juvenile, rulings related to tayammum and wiping on the cast, and rulings on menstruation and postpartum 

IS110 QURAN SCIENCES(1) 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce students to the concepts and terminology of the Holy Qur’an Sciences course, to clarify the opinions of scholars on the issues of the Holy Qur’an sciences, to explain how the Holy Qur’an was revealed, its compilation, its order and stages of writing, to distinguish between the Meccan Qur’an suras and the Madani Qur’an suras, and to mention the reciters and recitations spread in the Islamic world and their narrators.

IS107 ISLAMIC DOCTRINE(1) 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce students to the three sections of monotheism, the unification of divinity, the unification of divinity, the unification of names and attributes, and an explanation of the manifestations of polytheism in society to avoid and not practice it, and an explanation of the concept of means, and the concept of each of the guardianship and dignity and the differentiation between them.

IS105 The Qur'an and the provisions of its recitation (1) 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to teach students the correct way of reciting the Holy Qur’an, the rules of intonation, and mastering their application and training on them, through reciting the course in this curriculum, which is the recitation of Surat Al-Baqarah, memorizing Hizb Al-A’la, reciting it with perfection, and understanding its meanings in general.

IS102 02 Compulsory +

grammar and its skills in his written and spoken language, by memorizing and applying a number of terms and grammatical rules related to subject (Nahwah 1), and clarifying its functional role in the language; The course studies speech and what it consists of, as well as the inflection of nouns, the types of inflection of nouns and verbs and their conditions, and applies the provisions of their inflection.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite

The course aims to complete the basic concepts of the computer and give the student all the possibilities offered by the computer in all fields, as well as clarifying the basic applications and operations that help in office work and other fields, and linking the benefits provided by the computer in the scientific and practical life of students

IS212 Introduction to Fundamentals of Interpretation IS212 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce students to the concepts and terminology of the Fundamentals of Interpretation course, to clarify the stages through which the science of interpretation has gone through in its development, to explain the difference between the interpreters, to explain the methods of interpretation and distinguish between their types, to analyze the approaches of the interpreters, to mention the famous works in each approach, and to indicate the important rules that the interpreter needs. ..

IS124 FIQH OF WORSHIP(2) 02 Compulsory IS123 +

Course description: The course aims to introduce students to the concept of purity and its types, water types, pure and impure objects, etiquette of relieving oneself, the provisions of istinja and istijma, the characteristics of instinct, the provisions related to the removal of impurity, the provisions of ablution, and what is prohibited from minor impurity, and the provisions of wiping over the slippers, washing, and what is prohibited Including major impurity, rulings related to tayammum and wiping over splints, and rulings on menstruation and childbirth.

IS111 QURAN SCIENCES(2) 02 Compulsory IS110 +

Course description: The course aims to introduce students to the concepts and terminology of the course of the sciences of the Holy Qur’an, explain the science of interpretation and explain its types, interpret what is meant by the precise, the similar, the general, the specific, the general, and the clear in the Holy Qur’an, and clarify what is meant by the absolute, the restricted, the operative and the concept in the Holy Qur’an, describing the science of stories and proverbs in the Holy Qur’an, and clarifying with knowledge The occasions between the surahs and the verses.

IS108 ISLAMIC DOCTRINE(2) 02 Compulsory IS107 +

The course aims to introduce students to the concepts and terminology of the Aqeedah (2) course, to mention the Sharia evidences from the Book and the Sunnah that indicate the pillar of belief in angels, books, and messengers, and the necessity of believing in the Last Day, fate and destiny, and defining the concept of Islam, faith and charity.

IS106 IS106 The Qur’an and the provisions of its recitation (2) 02 Compulsory IS105 +

Course description: The course aims to teach students the correct method of reciting the Holy Qur’an, the rules of intonation, and mastering their application and training on them, by reciting the course in this curriculum, which is the recitation of Surat Al-Nisa, memorizing Hizb Al-Naba’, reciting it with perfection, and understanding its

IS103 IS 102 towards (2) Islamic studies 02 Compulsory IS102 +

Course description This course aims for the student to get acquainted with the predicate, the predicate, and the terminology of the grammatical schools, such as the Serbian and the Kufic, and the subject and its auxiliary.


The course aims to identify the history and development of evolutionary psychology and the purpose of studying it and the importance, the laws and general principles of growth, growth theories and their relationship to the learning process, research methods in the study of human growth, factors affecting growth, stages of growth and their characteristics and requirements.


This course aims to give the learner a theoretical idea of the nature and concept of teaching, and to identify the most important standards and basic principles of the process of good teaching, and the most important characteristics of a good teacher and the dimensions of his personality, and also aims to provide the learner with the most important general principles of teaching strategies and what should be taken into account during their application, and to identify the most important modern trends in teaching materials and how to evaluate the results of learning for students, and prepare learners to do teaching.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
IS219 Jurisprudence of Hadith 1 IS219 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to introduce the student to the categories and types of water, to clarify what is permissible and what is forbidden from vessels, to explain the rules of ablution, to indicate the desirable and disliked prayer times, the description of prayer, and what is related to the night prayer, the prayer of the traveler and the sick, and the combination of the two prayers. And explain the provisions of zakat and clarify the provisions of fasting and Hajj.

IS213 Interpretation of verses of rulings (1) 02 Compulsory IS212 +

This course aims to introduce the student to the verses of rulings in the Holy Qur’an, the topics they cover, and how to interpret them analytically in accordance with the scientific methodology of interpretation. The student will learn about the linguistic and terminological meanings of Qur’anic vocabulary, aspects of readings, aspects of parsing, the subtleties of Qur’anic interpretation, the reasons for the revelation of these verses, and the legal rulings. What has been deduced from it, the sayings of scholars and the evidence they used as evidence, and what these verses guide to.

IS203 02 Compulsory IS103 +

IS301 History of Islamic legislation (301) IS 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to explain what is meant by the history of legislation, the emergence of positive law, its balance with Islamic legislation, the stages of Islamic legislation, and the roles it went through: the era of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, the era of the companions and followers, the era of the imams of the sects, the era of imitation, and the era of jurisprudential awakening in the present era.


The course aims to enable the learner to distinguish between the traditional and modern trends of the concept of the curriculum, and to introduce him to the elements of the curriculum and introduce him to the elements of the curriculum as a system and the teacher's role in it, as well as the foundations on which the curriculum is based in the different stages of education, and to introduce the learner to some methodological organizations, and the course also aims to introduce the learner to how to develop the curriculum system, and the steps of development and considerations to be taken into account when developing the educational curriculum system and training him to deal with the curriculum of the education stage, and evaluate and adapt it so that Commensurate with the needs of learners and the needs of their community.


Definition of the course of educational science, good education, its concept, origin, historical development, historical value, importance, curricula, and identify the concept of good appearance and its conditions, and also know well its theories and measurement, attention and theories.

IS117 02 Compulsory +

IS406 Rhetoric 406IS 02 Compulsory +

Course description: This course aims to introduce the student to the origins of rhetoric sciences, to explain the opinions held in rhetoric, and to clarify evidence for the conformity of speech to the appropriate situation. He explained the science of badi and its divisions, clarified the evidence of verbal and moral improvements, defined metaphor and metaphor, and explained the differences between simile, metaphor and metaphor.

IS225 FIQH OF WORSHIP(3) 02 Compulsory IS124 +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
IS200 02 Compulsory +


The course aims to understand the historical development of knowledge, develop their abilities to think scientifically, and enable them to use the scientific method in solving problems, and also aims to understand students of the types of research in educational and psychological sciences and how to apply, also provide them with the ability to understand the results of research and benefit from them and train them on how to choose research topics and how to formulate the problem, questions, objectives and importance and choose the appropriate statistical methods to process pure data and how to use data collection tools in educational research, It humiliates them to write graduation projects according to a scientific methodology.

IS204 02 Compulsory IS203 +

IS205 02 Compulsory +

IS226 FIQH OF WORSHIP(4) 02 Compulsory IS225 +

IS220 IS220 Jurisprudence of Hadith 2 02 Compulsory IS219 +

This course aims to introduce the student to the provisions of sales and their evidence, and to explain the types of usury, and enumerate the provisions of renting land, musaqah, and sharecropping and their evidence.

IS314 02 Compulsory IS213 +

IS218 02 Compulsory IS117 +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
IS300 02 Compulsory GS201 +

IS206 02 Compulsory +

IS321 02 Compulsory IS124 +

IS315 02 Compulsory IS314 +

IS304 FAMILY RULES(1) 04 Compulsory IS124 +

The course aims to introduce students to the meaning of marriage and its provisions, the provisions of the engagement and its related, competence in marriage and its descriptions, the marriage contract and its pillars, the formula, the pleasure marriage, the parties to the contract, the taboos for life, the temporary prohibitions, the marriage in the 'iddah, the marriage contract, the guardian, the conditions for the validity of the marriage, the testimony, the secret marriage, proof of marriage when conflicting, the dowry and what is related to it, the marriage without friendship, the quarrel, the conditions of the dowry and the dispute over the dowry, divorce and its provisions, the elements and conditions of divorce, the words of divorce, the retroactive and clear divorce ruling.

IS227 Transaction provisions(1) IS227 02 Compulsory IS124 +

Course description: The course aims to introduce students to the concepts and terminology of the rulings of transactions decision, and correct Sharia dealing resulting from knowledge and familiarity with the provisions of Sharia and the jurisprudence of dealing. And to clarify the opinions of scholars about some contemporary transactions, and to correct some of the prevailing transactions in the market according to what is governed by Sharia.


The course aims to familiarize the student with the basic concepts in the field of educational evaluation, its importance, characteristics, types, how to build a table of specifications, familiarity with the concepts and scientific foundations of tests, their types, methods of preparation, defects and advantages, and their use in educational measurement and evaluation.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
IS422 04 Compulsory IS321 +

IS416 02 Compulsory IS315 +

IS305 FAMILY RULES(2) 04 Compulsory IS304 +

IS407 Language Exercises, (407IS), 02 Compulsory +

Course description: The course aims to develop the student's linguistic abilities, raise the student's expressive level, refine his literary taste, and endear him to his Arabic language, which is the most honorable of languages.

GS303 TEACHING AIDS 02 General +

This course examines the student's familiarity with the concept, importance, stages, elements and means of communication and their role in the educational process, the concept of the educational method, its types and classifications, the foundations of its preparation, advantages and disadvantages, methods of selection, production and use while taking advantage of the possibilities of the local environment.

IS328 02 Compulsory IS227 +

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
IS201 02 Elective +

IS409 02 Compulsory IS226 +

IS408 04 Compulsory IS304 +

IS370 02 Elective +

IS360 Miracles of the Qur'an IS360 02 Compulsory +

Course description: The course aims to introduce students to the science of Qur’anic miraculousness, describe the history of its origin, describe the miracles of the prophets, mention the conditions of the miracle and the characteristics of the Qur’anic miracle, explain the stages of challenge in the Qur’an, clarify what is meant by the Qur’anic miraculousness, explain the wisdom of legislating rulings in Qur’anic legislation, and interpret some scientific references in the Qur’anic verses and link them With scientific facts.

GS401 02 General GS302 +

This course examines in a brief historical overview of mental health and the development of the concept of mental health and its relationship with other sciences, as well as looking for psychological compatibility and the most important magazines of psychological compatibility and its relationship to achievement, and deals with psychological needs and means of defending them, and searches for some neurotic mental illnesses, including anxiety, schizophrenia, obsessiveness, and depression, and deals with general concepts of psychotherapy and methods of psychotherapy, and mental health theories, as well as models of mental problems and disorders.

GS402 TEACHING PRACTICE 1 02 General +

Practical education is a prerequisite in the process of preparing and training the teacher in teaching situations through micro-teaching through lectures, the actual application of observation, observation, and direct interaction.

IS303 Maqasid al-Sharia 303IS 02 Compulsory IS321 +

Course description: This course aims at defining the concepts and terminology of the Objectives of Sharia course, clarifying the ten principles of the science of purposes, explaining the origins of the science of purposes and its relationship to the science of jurisprudence, dividing the purposes of Sharia in terms of (comprehensiveness, necessity, and proof), proving the authenticity of the purposes of Sharia with legal evidence, explaining the methods of proving the purposes and indicating the means that lead to them. .

IS302 Inheritance IS302 02 Compulsory IS314 +

Course description: The course aims to introduce students to the concepts and terminology of the inheritance course, explain the provisions related to the deceased’s estate before dividing it, clarify the reasons for inheritance, its contraindications and conditions, explain the male and female heirs of the deceased, the share of each heir and what he inherits, and clarify the prescribed obligations in the Book of God, and what is required. For each heir, the definition of agnatic and veiled, an explanation of their divisions and the authorities given in inheritance by it, an explanation of the calculation of religious duties and the principles of family issues....

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS403 Practical education 2 02 General GS402 +

Practical education is a basic requirement in the process of preparing and training the teacher in teaching situations through mini-teaching through lectures, the actual application of observation and observation, and direct interaction.

IS410 01 Compulsory GS301 +

IS490 Orientalism and Christianization, (490IS), 02 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce students to the concepts and terminology of Orientalism and Christianization. Knowing the reality of Orientalism, its goals, motives, and means. And knowledge of the history of Christianization and its development and purpose and methods. And how to deal with orientalists and missionaries.

IS492 02 Compulsory +