Bachelor in English Translation

University of Tripoli - Department of English Language



The study program in the Department of English Language with its two divisions, Literature and Translation, is one of the distinguished departments in the College of Arts. To excel in education and scientific research and encourage it based on quality programs, those programs that were developed to serve the education and scientific research, and to exploit those programs and courses to serve the other generation.


The Department of English aspires to be the college's channel for cultural and civilizational communication with different cultures in the corresponding departments in local, regional, and international universities.

The message:

The department's mission lies in meeting the needs of the Libyan labor market in terms of translators, researchers, and those who are important in the field of translation, its studies, and its sciences, with specifications that serve scientific research and society, by quality standards locally, internationally, and globally.


1-Providing the community with competencies capable of mastering the English language with all its theoretical, applied, and communicative language skills, and translating it from and into Arabic and vice versa.

2- Preparing graduates with language skills that enable them to speak fluently and eloquently in many and varied situations in English that serve the individual and society, such as interpreters and others.

 3- Preparing a batch of graduates who can engage in the labor market and employment in translation offices, legal offices, companies, embassies, airlines, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc., and prepare researchers in the field of translation and its sciences and studies that serve their research and studies in scientific research at home and abroad. 

4- practicing the student of having moral courage, artistic sense, and creative ability that lead them to success in the media and propaganda milieu, and to present in TV and audio programs in English.

5- Graduating batches of holders of a bachelor’s degree in translation who can join the graduate studies program, whether at home or abroad.


- Preparing students who can write various reports and articles with accurate academic standards, smooth and unique style, and unlimited orientations.

2- Enable the student, through intensive courses in grammar and grammatical structures, to communicate accurately and properly. And preparing them to use the appropriate and correct English dialect and accent.

.3- Enabling the student, through organized intensive courses in conversation, to learn an unlimited number of vocabulary in the second language and in a variety of contexts that meet the needs of the student at the formal and informal levels in his public and private relations in his field of specialization and outside the specialization.

4- Contribute to enhancing the student’s culture in the English language by exposing him to various texts that make the student balanced and aware of the cultural overlap between peoples, away from fanaticism and fanaticism, and away from stripping oneself of identity. On the contrary, reading develops students’ curiosity and passion to know a lot in order to coexist in peace, security, and respect.

5- Enabling the student to get acquainted with many mechanisms, strategies, and theories in translation and in different fields, whether oil, military, media, diplomatic, literary, scientific, religious, immediate, sequential, commercial, audiovisual, translation, orientalism, and others. Where he learns about different and varied topics covering all the mentioned courses and from specialized professors and professionals in the field of translation.


Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor Degree in English Translation

Entry Reuirements

1.The student must have a high school diploma or its equivalent.

2. The regular student should devote him-herself entirely to studying at the college, and not be registered in any other college or institute, and the non-regular student should be subject to the conditions of the relevant department in a manner commensurate with his capabilities and capacity to absorb.

3. His/her grade in the specialized secondary certificate should not be less than the percentage determined by the General People's Committee for Education and Scientific Research, which is announced annually immediately after announcing the results of the specialized secondary exams in their periodicals and the like.

4. Foreign students may be accepted with scholarships at the expense of the community in accordance with the principles and rules that decide on the admission of Libyan students. The university may set conditions for accepting non-Libyan students to study at their own expense in accordance with the legislation in force. It is required that the applicant be a non-Arab Libyan residing in this country as a habitual resident throughout the period of his studies in the college and that he fulfills all the conditions related to the qualification, without prejudice to the rules of reciprocity stipulated in the agreements signed in this regard.

5. The non-Libyan applicant should undertake to pay fees and study expenses in accordance with the regulations, decisions, and legislation issued and in force at the university.

6. To be healthy, free from infectious diseases, and able to follow theoretical and practical lessons.

7. He/ She has to pass the written oral entrance exam in the department.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in English Translation prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in English Translation. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 126 units, which include 15 units of general subjects, and 99 major units, 4 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EN1301 Grammar 1 02 Compulsory +

Introduction to the basics of forming sentences and how to structure them.Identify the functions of the main components of the sentence in the English language.Identify the main tenses in the English language.Definition of the functions of nouns and their positions in the sentence.

EN1312 Listening and Conversation1 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to give students the opportunity to practice and develop listening and speaking skills to get them to use them fluently .Encouraging students to use certain grammatical structures in order to develop the ability to use the language in a good way and improve the students ' language communication skills and language use and their awareness of the importance of these grammatical structures in the process of communication in English .Train the student on all kinds of dialogues in English and listen to them to make it easier for him to deal and speak the target language without any problems.Training students on how to express the images displayed in front of them using the English language in order to develop their creative ability

UT112O Computer I 02 General +

Knowledge of the installation and components of the computer physical and moral.v study some topics such as viruses, networks and information security.v. in the practical aspect, learn the basic principles of computer operation and use.v use the printing program (Microsoft word).

UT1101 Arabic Language 1 02 General +

Editing reports and graduation projectsProper writing and eloquent languageReading courses and extracting information in a smooth wayPreparing research papers in understandable language.

TR105 Italian language1 02 Compulsory +

Introduce to the alphabet of the Italian language and knowledge of the pronunciation of letters. enable the student to introduce himself and his daily activity. understand the use of the verb of ownership, being and some necessary verbs in everyday activity. read and absorb some daily dialogues.

TR102 Comprehension1 01 Compulsory +

To learn about reading skills and methods of text analysis in English.V identify ways to assimilate the text and understand the meanings of new words used in the text.V identify the methods of analyzing the text from the existing data of its image, title, introduction and conclusion.V identify ways to use new words in sentences outside the text to confirm their use grammatically and in terms of meaning

EN501 Composition I 02 Compulsory +

Composition 1 provides students with the rhetorical foundations that prepare them for the demands of academic and professional writing. In this course, students will learn and practice the strategies and processes that successful writers employ as they work to accomplish specific purposes.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
UT2121 02 General UT112O +

1. Course objectivesV knowledge of the precedence of mathematical operations and how to convert from a mathematical formula to a computer language and vice versa.v use the electronic spreadsheet program (Microsoft excel).v perform some calculations such as finding the sum, largest, smallest value and average.v how to convert tables into statistical charts.

UT2102 Arabic language 2 02 General UT1101 +

This course meant studying the following: the nominal sentence and its components: (the definition of the novice and the news and their expression, the types of the novice, the types of news, the presentation of the news about the novice, the deletion of the components of the nominal sentence), the transcripts included in the nominal sentence: (was and its sisters, thought and sisters, though and sisters), the actual sentence and its components: and some of the complements of the actual sentence: (the effect of it, the absolute effect, the effect for its sake, the effect in it, the case, and the dependencies: (Participle, conjunction, emphasis, allowance), distinction and its provisions, some methods: (appeal style, exception style, interrogative style, condition style), open and tied t, their drawing officer, solar and lunar Lam, soft thousand and drawn provisions, deletion of some letters from writing, increase of some letters in writing, placements of separation and connection of words, punctuation marks, administrative writing: (invitation to a meeting, minutes of meetings).

TR205 Italian language 2 02 Compulsory +

1. Course objectivesthe students introduces themselves and learn how to say hello directly.V enable the student to express what he is doing in free time in the present tense.V understand modal verbs and how to use them in the present tense .V teach the student to count, write and pronounce the hours .

EN2301 Grammar 2 02 Compulsory EN1301 +

Recognition of complex perfect tenses.V identification of the formula for constructing conditional sentences.V definition of how to build the formula of direct and indirect speech.Definition of how to formulate passive sentences

EN2304 Reading comprehension 2 02 Compulsory EN1304 +

Identify reading skills and methods of text analysis in the English language .Identify ways to assimilate the text and understand the meanings of new words used in the text.Identify the methods of analyzing the text from the existing data of its image, title, introduction and conclusion.Identify ways to use new words in out-of-text sentences to confirm their use grammatically and in terms of meaning

EN2308 Composition2 02 Compulsory EN1308 +

The aim of the course is to enable the student of the English language department to write in an advanced academic style on(moving from learning general to Academic English) stages. Gradually, after the student passed the first level in the subject of Creation 1, then the second level in the subject of creation 2, the third in academic writing 1 and the fourth in academic writing 2, respectively, where the materials and curricula are coordinated to unify the outputs and ensure their quality. Therefore, we are keen to unify the curriculum, coordinate it and balance it in the above-mentioned subjects by using the series of methodological books, which mean the following:The Longman Academic Writing Series- Fundamental Academic Writing –level 2 by Ann Hogue)).2.The student gains experience in writing in line with and consistent with other materials and what he acquires from those materials, where he comes out with sufficient training on tenses, verbs, sentence structure, types and a number of topics and vocabulary in accordance with other materials, both according to difficulty and depth in the curriculum.3.The student acquires skills that enable him to write and enhance his self-confidence and become an independent writer.4. The student is able to hone his previous writing skills and enhance them with what he has learned and what he has applied during the entire semester .5. The student can describe and express his opinion on various topics by writing academic articles with certain topics according to what he has trained and studied.

EN2312 Conversation 2 02 Compulsory EN1312 +

This course aims to give students the opportunity to practice and develop their listening and speaking skills by giving them the opportunity to listen to various excerpts in English to enhance the listening skill and understanding of the native speaker and apply what they are listening to by speaking in the classroom or even outside .V encourage students to use certain phrases in order to develop the ability to use the language in a good way and improve students ' language communication skills, language use and their awareness of the importance of those phrases in the process of communicating in English .v train the student on all kinds of dialogues outside the classroom in English and listen to them to make it easier for him to deal and speak the target language without any problems. v train students on how to express different topics using the English language in order to develop their communication skills and emphasize the use of the eloquent style .V encourage students to use certain phrases in order to develop the ability to use the language in a good way and improve students ' language communication skills, language use and their awareness of the importance of those phrases in the process of communicating in English .v train the student on all kinds of dialogues outside the classroom in English and listen to them to make it easier for him to deal and speak the target language without any problems.v train students on how to express different topics using the English language in order to develop their communication skills and emphasize the use of an eloquent and scientific style

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EN3330 Linguistics 02 Compulsory EN1308 +

To provide students with the knowledge of linguistics necessary to be able to read and understand undergraduate-level academic/scientific texts dealing with topics in descriptive and theoretical linguistics and adjacent fields to shed the light on the importance of learning the basic terms and concepts of English linguistics

EN3340 Introduction in translation 02 Compulsory RT1253 +

Get acquainted with the concept presented in translation .v identify the translator and its most important characteristics.V identify the types of texts and the most important problems that may hinder the translator during the translation of this type of text and find solutions to them.

EN3402T Arabic language 3 02 Compulsory UT1101 +

This course is concerned with the study of the following: the concept of eloquence and eloquence, sentence structure in Arabic and its division, the news sentence and its conditions, the structural sentence and its sections, mention and deletion among rhetoricians, synonyms, participles and antonyms, Arabic lexicons: (their types, the method of research in them), the center and margin in semantics, and a linguistic study of texts from: the Holy Quran, the Hadith, poetry and prose

EN3324 History of translation 02 Compulsory +

V identify the concept of Translation history and its importance.Identify translation activities in successive periods

TR305 Italian language 3 02 General +

1. Course objectivesv teach the student how to write short messages, emails and make calls.V understand how to use knowledge prepositions.V understand the use of verbs, words and sentences that are used in purchases, restaurants and means of Transportationv be able to know the past tense and its uses

EN3320 Basics of translation 02 Compulsory EN1312 +

v The course aims to introduce the student to the methods of translation and the disadvantages and advantages of these methods. v Introducing the student to the problems that occur during the translation process due to the difference in the two languages. v Knowledge of English and Arabic grammar and how to translate

EN5301 English varieties 1 02 Compulsory EN1304 +

Learn about the history of the English language, its roots, origin and development.v get acquainted with the different and diverse dialects of the English language spoken in the UK .V. a general comparison of the differences between British English and American English.

TR3011 grammar 3 02 Compulsory +

To learn about the functions of identifiers, pronouns, adjectives, prepositions and linking toolsV definition of the structures of connected sentences and their types.Definition of the types of adjectives and Comparative and differential adjectives

EN3308T Academic writing 1 02 Compulsory EN1308 +

understanding the basics of academic writing, starting from the types of sentences, how to form a paragraph, and how to write various articles.2 improving academic writing skills by including the student in intensive writing workshops with the supervision of the subject professor.3 refining the skills of an academic writer by confirming the skills available in the previous version of the course, such as: planning, writing an abstract, and punctuation rules, and then based on them the skill of writing various articles, such as: narrative article, descriptive article, argumentative article, etc.4 the ability to have a deep understanding of how to write articles by providing multiple examples instead of just theoretical explanations.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TR405 Italian language 4 02 Compulsory +

1. Rapporteur's objectivesv Read and accommodate cultural texts and how to deal in cafes, public places and Italian culture in travel, restaurants and archaeological tourism.v. Simple past and how to act and use appropriate actions in the past.v How to use conditions with recent past time.v Introduction and simple explanation of the time of the simple or near future.

TR407 listening comprehension 02 Compulsory +

Students acquire knowledge of the main components of the IELTS part listening exam.Development of listening skills and analysis of audio materialFamiliarize students with diverse patterns of ELTS questionsIntroducing easy ways to solve IELTS part listening exam questions

TR301 grammar 4 02 Compulsory +

Course objectivesV identify the types of adverbs in the English language, their use and placement in bulkV identify the composition and use of the adverb in literary wording.V identify descriptive verbs and nominal verbs.V identify the forms of constructed verbs and verbs of continuity.

EN4308 Creative Writing 1 02 Compulsory EN1308 +

1-Learn how to write a short story .2-getting to know how to write a play that includes one chapter and one month.Read (2) plays and (2) short stories

EN4324 Strategies of translation 02 Compulsory EN3340 +

v The course aims to familiarize the student with translation strategies because of their importance in solving the problems facing the interpreter.v Give the student an account of the most important translation flags such as Mona Bakir, Peter New Mark and others who contributed in this field and what has an impact on translation.Give students the opportunity to apply these methods and strategies in practice during translation

EN4328 Phonetics 1 02 Compulsory EN3324 +

V. identification of phonetics and phonetics and their importance .Identify the vocal organs in the vocal apparatus and how to pronounce sounds

EN4350 Semantics 02 Compulsory EN3330 +

v Students learn about the most important semantic theories in the study of meaning. v Students learn to use language skills to formulate texts in a proper and appropriate manner. v Students can recognize and go deep into the term to know its characteristics v Students recognize the types of meaning in semantics and the semantic fields.

EN6301 English varieties 2 02 Compulsory EN5301 +

Recognize the most important features of journalism language in terms of vocabulary, form and style.v Recognize the types of English newspapers and newspapers and their classifications in terms of language, content and format.v Apply stylistic text analysis by analyzing quoted press texts from English newspapers and journals.

EN4402 Arabic Language 4 02 Compulsory UT1101 +

This course is concerned with the study of the following: submission and delay, minors, brevity, courtesy and equality, expressions and issues, an applied study on the method of using the intermediate lexicon and brief lexicon, their used symbols, reading the introduction of lexicon, the development of dictionary, the factors of its development, and a linguistic study of texts from: The Holy QuRKoran, the Holy Koran, and the Holy EEEphorphan.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
0TR506 Arabic language 5 02 General +

This course is concerned with the study of the following: analogy, metaphor, metaphor sent, kidney and exposure, Arabization and translation, an applied study of the dictionary dictionary curriculum surrounding, the method of research in it, the purposes of semantic development, and a linguistic study of texts from: the Holy Quran, the Holy Prophet, poetry and prose.

TR509 morphology 02 Compulsory +

v To enable students learn the basic components of English words v To shed the light on the importance of learning word parts in the process of learning English v To enable students understand the internal structure of words and the relationship between word parts

TR5080 general translation 02 Compulsory +

. Course Objectives v Identify the concept of general text translation and its characteristics. vIdentify how to translate general terms. v Identify the problems that may hinder the translator while translating this type of text and find solutions to them.

TR505 0 Italian language 5 02 General +

1.Read and accommodate cultural texts and how to deal in cafes, public places and Italian culture in travel, restaurants and archaeological tourism.v. Simple past and how to conduct actions and use appropriate actions in the past time.v How to use conditions with recent past time.v Introduction and simple explanation of the time of the simple or near future.

EN5308 02 Compulsory EN5301 +

Recognize the importance of readers and analyze the text.v Recognize the way text is configured and link events to understand text.v Recognize how information is analyzed and validated.

EN5322 Grammatical Structure 1 02 Compulsory EN1301 +

Perception of English grammarv. Learn about English theoriesv. Keeping up with the evolution of the language and its theoriesv. Widening perception of language functions and updating their theories

EN6340 simultaneous translation 02 Compulsory +

v Recognize the concept of interpretation and what distinguishes it from translation.v Recognize the skills needed for the interpreter.v Recognize the problems that may impede the interpreter during translation and find solutions to them.

0TR507 translation theory 02 Compulsory +

Recognize the concept of interpretation and what distinguishes it from translation. v Recognize the skills needed for the interpreter. v Recognize the problems that may impede the interpreter during translation and find solutions to them.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TR608 commercial and administrative translation 02 Compulsory +

Identify the concept of commercial and administrative translation and its characteristics. v Identify how to translate commercial and administrative texts of all kinds. v Identify the problems that may hinder the translator while translating this type of text and find solutions to them. vIdentify commercial and administrative terms.

TR609 contrastive analysis 02 Compulsory +

v Recognize the importance of comparative linguistic studies.Learn the comparison between Arabic and English

TR604 scientific and medical translation 02 Compulsory +

v Recognize the concept and characteristics of scientific translation.v Learn how to translate scientific and medical terms.v. Identify problems that may impede the interpreter while translating this type of text and finding solutions.

TR607 legal translation 02 Compulsory +

v Identify the concept of legal translation and its characteristics. v Identify how to translate legal terms. v Identify the problems that may hinder the translator while translating this type of text and find solutions to them.

TR606 Arabic language 6 02 Compulsory +

This course is concerned with the study of the following types of verbal enhancements: (sex, sorcery, quotation), and types of moral improvements: (pun, dish, opposite), Arabic line, applied study of the lexicon of Arabic tongue and health, the way they are researched, the role of connotation in translation, linguistic study of texts from: the Holy Koran, Hadith and the Prophet.

TR605 Italian language 6 02 Compulsory +

v Explain the weather situation in Italian using the time of past, present and future.v Vocabulary and skills for student development in new terms useful in the installation of grammar sentences.v Detailed explanation of property tools and how to use them according to personal consciencev Family description of what consists of individuals.Explain how to accept an invitation from a friend or invite a friend to dinner at a restaurant or go to the cinema

TR603 consecutive translation 02 Compulsory +

. Recognize the concept and characteristics of sequential translation.v Recognize the skills needed for the interpreter. Identify the problems that may impede the interpreter during translation and find solutions to them

TR602 literary translation 02 Compulsory +

During the semester, students are trained in translating various literary texts from English to Arabic, as opposed to poetry (old and modern) and theatrical texts, especially Shakespeare plays, as well as translating excerpts of international stories from English and Arab literature.

TR601T syntax 2 02 Compulsory +

v. Recognize verbs in Englishv. Learn about English theoriesv. Compare English and Arabic in several subjectsv. Widening perception of language functions and updating his theories

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TR705 Use of dictionaries and sources 02 Compulsory +

2. Course Objectives v This course aims to introduce the student to the types of dictionaries and sources that he will need in his field of work. v The course aims to train the student on the use of dictionaries and the correct search method for the appropriate word for the correct context. v Learn about encyclopedias and sources that will help the translator in familiarity with the subject that he will translate. v Training the student to use modern techniques in the search for information.

RT1250 Generic psychology 01 General +

EN7344T Audiovisual Translation 02 Compulsory +

This module will introduce the students to the different types of audio-visual translation and different kinds of subtitle produced nowadays. The course covers the following topics:· Subtitle.· Dubbing. History of subtitle and dubbing.· The main characteristics of subtitling. The cultural and linguistic issues to be considered when subtitling (taboo word, register, dialects etc.).· Practical skill.· Training the students to:o Produce monolingual subtitle. Extract the essence of aural texts and compress them in writing.

TR704 Diplomatic and political translation 02 Compulsory +

v Recognize the concept and characteristics of diplomatic translation.v Learn how to translate diplomatic texts of all kinds.v. Identify problems that may impede the interpreter while translating this type of text and finding solutions.Identification of diplomatic and political terminology

TR703 research methods 02 Compulsory +

Learn how to write research proposals.Learn how to write research reports.Learn how to search for references.Learn how to benefit from references and include them in writing reports and research

TR702 religious and philosophical translation 02 Compulsory +

students are trained in the linguistic construction of different religious texts (Karan Karim - prophetic talks - and other religious subjects such as the pillars of Islam and honesty.. etc. From English to Arabic and vice versa.

TR701 syntax 3 02 Compulsory +

v Recognize verbs in English and compare them to each other to limit their functions and grammatical meaningsv. Identifying all the tasks of actions and the way they work within the composite sentencesv. Compare English and Arabic in several subjectsv. Widening perception of language functions and updating their theories

RT1253 Geography of Libya 01 General RT1251 +

EN7342T Machine Translation 02 Compulsory +

This course is concerned with the study of machine translation. It covers the following topics. This course to:1 .Introduce students to machine translation 2. Introduce students to various computer-aided translation tools 3. Introduce students to the history, aims and advantages of MT 4. Familiarize learners with SL/TL contextual analysis and train them how to improve the output of MT 5 Provide learners with all the information about translation tool, major MT systems ,approaches ,lexical data base, problems of ambiguity & Arabic MT

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TR801 Translation of Military Texts 02 Compulsory +

Informing students of modern terms used in the military field. Structural construction of armies, their types, types of weapons used and military ranks.v Battles of World War I and II.Translation of military commanders' notes from English to Arabic and vice versa

TR802 Media Translation 02 Compulsory +

v Recognize the concept and characteristics of media translation.v Learn how to translate news titles and translate media texts of all kinds.v. Identify problems that may impede the interpreter while translating this type of text and finding solutions.

TR803 02 Compulsory +

Identify the terms used in the field of oil and its science (exploration, extraction, refining and export) and translate them from Arabic to English and vice versa.

TR804 translation and lexicology 02 Elective +

The course aims to introduce the student to lexicology The student recognizes the objectives of lexicology and the function of lexicology - its history

TR805 Translation Problems 02 Elective +

v The course aims to train the student to know the problems facing the interpreter and how to solve.v Trains the student on how to communicate the information and convey the meaning in the right way.v Enhancing the student's ability to distinguish between synonyms in the same language, thus avoiding error during translationv. Train students to know the difference between the source language rules and the target language to avoid problems during the translation process

TR807 02 Elective +

v Recognize the concept of translation and orientation and its importancev Recognize the most important orientalists and their role and orientation.

RT1252 Islamic culture 01 General RT1250 +

RT1251 The history of civilization 01 General +

EN8314 Translation Criticism 02 Compulsory UT1101 +

This course introduces students to the approaches, methods and principles of criticizing translated texts in both Arabic and English. A wide diversity of published translations from different literary will be sampled. Through extensive training in text analysis, the relationship between translation theory and translation practice will be explored.